These are standard Facebook emoticons that can be used anywhere on Facebook. Use them in chat, in your status, messages, or profile pages.

To use: Highlight and copy (CTR+C) the symbol below the image, then paste (CTR+V) it anywhere you would like for it to show up.

Facebook Smile Emoticon Smiley emoticon

Facebook Grin Emoticon Big smile emoticon

Facebook Frown Emoticon Sad emoticon

Facebook Cry Emoticon Crying emoticon

Facebook Smiley With Tongue Out Tongue Out

Facebook Angel Smiley Angel emoticon

Facebook Devil Smiley Emoticon Devil emoticon

Facebook Confused Smiley Confused emoticon

Facebook Winking Smiley Wink emoticon

Facebook Gasp Emoticon Surprised emoticon

Facebook Squint Smiley Squint emoticon

Facebook Angry Smiley Angry emoticon

Facebook Kiss Smiley Kiss emoticon

Facebook Heart Symbol Heart emoticon

Facebook Chris Putnam Smiley Chris Putnam

Facebook Kiki Smiley Kiki emoticon

Facebook Glasses Smiley Glasses emoticon

Facebook Sunglasses Smiley Cool Emoticon

Facebook Shark Smiley Shark emoticon

Facebook Robot Smiley Robot emoticon

Facebook 42 Smiley 42 emoticon

Facebook Grumpy Smiley Grumpy emoticon

Facebook Pacman Emoticon Pacman emoticon

Facebook Unsure Smiley Unsure

Facebook Curly Lips Curly lips emoticon

Facebook Penguin Smiley Penguin emoticon

(y) Thumb Up Like Facebook Emoticon Thumb Up

Poop - New Facebook Emoticon Poop
